Fall Forestry & Wildlife Field Tour

Warren County
Fall Forestry & Wildlife Field Tour
Friday October 20, 2023
Join woodland owners and natural resource professionals for a day-long tour to learn about the woods, wildlife, and history of Warren County.
Stop 1: Wildlife Corridors and 7 Generations Farming - along the South Fork
Stop 2: Izaak Walton League of America’s Warren County Chapter - walk about
Stop 3: Small woodlots & valuable hardwoods – more to it than meets the eye
Stop 4: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute – venture into 3000 acres!
Who: Open to all landowners
Why: To be better land stewards
Where: Starting & ending in Front Royal
How much? $45/person; $80/couple includes lunch, refreshments & transportation
LEARN MORE: https://forestupdate.frec.vt.edu/landownerprograms/field-tours.htmlREGISTER